+33 (0) 475 450 645

Lubrifiants Hautes Performances
Made in France

IKV-FLUOR Spray range

IKV-FLUOR Spray range are a non-flammable, colourless and odourless perfluoroalkyl-polyether-type oil, which is totally inert physically and chemically in the event of aggression by all kinds of liquid or gaseous products (except for fluorinated solvents) and thermal and ionising radiation.

IKV-FLUOR Spray range are also compatible with all widely used elastomers, seals, gaskets, plastics and metals. But it is because of this infinite range and variety of polymer combinations and variations in the final formulation that it is usually up to the end user to decide if further compatibility testing is required before making any decision about future use in a new application or with a new material.



IKV-FLUOR 32 Spray

IKV-FLUOR 32 Spray is suitable for the lubrication of all bearings, chains and joints subjected to a wide
range of temperatures. It is suited to the lubrication of all mechanisms subjected to aggressive or
corrosive conditions.

It is also adapted to the lubrication of all plastic and rubber items due to its perfect compatibility with them.


Product Oil nature Kinematic viscosity at 40°C Application temperature range


 PFPE  92  -40 to 150°C




IKV-FLUOR 70 Spray

IKV-FLUOR 70 Spray is suited to all types of industry where a high technology lubricant is required. It is suitable for the lubrication of all bearings, sliding bearings, chains and joints subjected to high temperatures, influenced by water and hydrocarbons including chlorinated solvents.



Product Oil nature Kinematic viscosity at 40°C Application temperature range


 PFPE  110  -35 to 180°C





IKV-FLUOR LIQ is an odorless white dispersion of micronized PTFE in fluid synthetic lubricant.

IKV-FLUOR LIQ presents the following properties:

  • Excellent lubrication due to its synthetic nature.
  • Protects against corrosion and dirt in humid and aggressive environment.
  • Its liquid nature provides excellent penetration properties.
  • High dielectric values.
  • Better performance in comparison with standard lubricants.

IKV-FLUOR LIQ is formulated exclusively using components that appear in the positive list of the Food and Drugs Administration (FDA) and is registered according to National Sanitary Foundation NSF H-1 standard.



Product Oil nature Kinematic viscosity at 40°C Application temperature range


 Synthétique  -  -45 à 150°C





Our IKV-FLUOR 32 Spray and IKV-FLUOR 70 Spray cans are available in 300 ml sizes.

IKV-FLUOR LIQ is available in 400 ml.

You can contact us to obtain the packaging data sheets for our products.